Protect Your Team When You Choose HP Printers
Mon Sep 26, 2022 | Printer Pro Solutions
Security is the most important, and most overlooked, feature available to us when it comes to print technology. While most technology users understand how important it is to secure our computers, printers remain a loose end.
Many will unbox their printer, set it up, and not worry about its security. Some might not even know that printers need to be secured. But when you really think about it, a lot of our daily tasks revolve around our printers being reliable and ready for use. This can’t be done if there are security concerns.
Printers are a pillar for many work environments. Public offices, legal teams, and accounting firms are just a few prime examples of organizations that rely heavily on print. Data that these teams work with is often sensitive in nature. The last thing you’d want is to risk a data breach! That’s why finding the most secure printer should be at the top of your priority list.
One company who consistently keeps security in mind as they engineer the latest in print technology is HP. They put users’ safety first and have come up with incredible advancements in the imaging field.
So, why does print security matter? And what are the facts about current printer vulnerabilities?
Most importantly, what makes HP the best choice?
The Looming Threat of Data Breaches
Many critical errors begin at the user level. We all know that humans aren’t perfect, and that on occasion we make mistakes. Often, these are minor lapses in judgment or harmless forgetfulness that’s quickly corrected. However, there are instances where our errors can come back to bite us later. When it comes to workplace errors, these can be costly and time-consuming.
As our workforce has begun to return to work, patience and resilience throughout the pandemic paying off, one statistic has proven impossible to ignore. How vulnerable we’ve left our workplace technology.
With many working from home throughout the pandemic, people were left to their own devices––literally and figuratively! Team members were expected to rely on one another’s tech-savviness to safeguard their collective data. If even one person hasn’t set up their printer or computer correctly, then all are at risk of a company-wide breach.
Companies are currently taking some serious risks with their printers. Yet the consequences of these actions are being ignored, when really they should be better understood.

No Formal-Print Policies
To better understand how people currently protect their information, HP looked at businesses and assessed their level of print security. They found that only 51% of businesses had a “formal print-security policy” (HP). This means that almost half of businesses have left themselves open to attacks. Without a proper policy in place, employees are left to figure things out on their own.
HP isn’t the only ones who found daunting numbers about our vulnerabilities.
Pressuring Business Continuity Over Security
One report found that 76% of IT Teams admitted security “took a backseat to business continuity during the pandemic,” (Insurance Canada) and that “91% felt pressure to compromise security for business continuity” (Insurance Canada).
With security being put on the back-burner in favor of task completion, companies risk losing time and money.
A Data Breach = BIG Financial Losses!
Current print-related data losses are averaging about $394K (Quocirca). Companies are doing their best to avoid such losses, and yet print remains one of the top security risks.
While polling businesses, HP also found that “69% of businesses don’t have anti-malware on their printers” (HP).
This means companies have left themselves wide-open to data breaches, ransom attacks, and more.
As companies have begun to realize that they’re facing a swarm of losses due to cyberattacks, leaders in the industry have taken charge to showcase the safest products out there. And there’s no denying HP has print security figured out.
To keep you and your team safe, HP printers come equipped with a series of secure features. We at Printer Pro Solutions Inc. are confident in our recommendation of HP printers because we’ve seen how well they work for our clients.
Why HP Printers Are the Safest Bet
You deserve to feel confident that your printers are protecting your information. To help alleviate some of your IT team’s post-pandemic stress, HP printers come pre-installed with several helpful features.
Some of the best innovations that HP printers have include:
1. HP Sure Start
Always working in the background of your system, HP Sure Start consistently reviews your printer’s code. Instructions are available for you and your team upon set-up to enable this crucial feature, which protects your BIOS during power-up.
Your IT team won’t have to worry about reinstalling your BIOS if ever it's corrupted, because HP Sure Start stores a “golden copy” that replaces corrupt data and keeps your system operating at full capacity.
2. Run-Time Intrusion Detection
Another helpful feature available on HP printers––Run-Time Intrusion actively monitors your printer’s memory. If it notices anything out of the ordinary, Run-Time Intrusion is ready to defend against attacks.
When threats are detected, your printer will halt attacks before rebooting itself. During the reboot, HP printers use their self-healing properties to recover from any malicious attacks.
These are just some of the features available to you when you choose to buy HP printers.
Every feature works together to protect your data, acting as a multi-layered defense system. New updates and patches are released frequently to keep printers up-to-date, meaning they’re ready to defend against the latest threats at all times.

Switching over to HP means you’re actively choosing to protect your team’s valuable time and efforts. When companies experience print related data losses, it’s all hands on deck to resolve the situation. This can cause major setbacks and delays in your company, because your team won’t have the available resources or time to complete their tasks effectively.
Putting your security first means putting your team first!
With new cyber threats lurking around the corner, now is the right time to consider proactive security solutions like those found in HP printers.
Keep your team safe and make the change today.
Want to learn more about HP printers’ security features?